日本と世界を結ぶ 日本の素晴らしさ「おもてなし」を国外へ~海外から日本に必要なものを
創造、物流を使って 新たなビジネスを創り出す
壁に当たっても前へ 突き進む原動力と戦術

2018/6/27 English page, published.

2018/2/1 The homepage was renewed.

Build from Local to internarial
Transporting limited
Event planning
Reused Goods
Overseas Expansion and International Trade

We would like to share our principles and Japanese Omotenashi (hospitality) on a global level.

Our company will support your business expansion into the following countries: Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore and Myanmar.

Innovative, creative, groundbreaking We want to introduce a new way of thinking and facing challenges.
In order to find the solution, we need to assess the situation, create a plan and carry out such plan with a solid solution.
Japanese  / English